3 Features to Expect From the Smart Cities

3 Features to Expect From the Smart Cities
Calendar 07 Apr, 2016 | avirahi

The Prime Minister has announced to make the 100 cities as Smart Cities, out of which 20 cities managed to make the place in the list. Understanding Smart City Definition might take you to the numerous pages in search of exact definition, but let us tell you hear only, every page will give different concept of Smart City. So it is better not to search for the definition and just concentrate over the features to be expected from the Ministry of Urban development. The Ministry has announced the features that any smart city will have. Read below to know what makes a Smart City;

In mid-sized cities, a person will reach any destination in minimum 30 minutes.

In metros the time is extended to 45 minutes

Per day the water availability per block will be 135 liter.

Within 350 to 450 metres every home will have grocery stores, other shops, gardens, elementary schools, primary schools and leisure areas as well as.

The 20 proposed cities will cover Greenfield and Brownfield projects.

Truly speaking, if asked personally, people will have a different definition for it. Based on the priority and requirement every city has a different concept over Smart City. However, the motto is same, to live in an infrastructure where a civilized and livable lifestyle is adapted, like, greenery, cleanliness, better transportation, digital connectivity and etc.

Everybody in today’s world seeks a lifestyle which brings comfort in terms of transportation, digitalization, e-Governance, affordable homes and much more.

Conveyance is the main artery of any city. People use different modes to save their time, and money. In a few years, many cases have been heard about ill managed Transportation services in big cities. Where big cities have worst commute services, cities like Ahmedabad has won hearts across the globe. According to the plan allotted, the due smart cities in India will have an organized vehicle route. Not only this, associated functions related to transportation will be handled too, like online fare collection, vehicle location tracking, specified signaling for buses in the city, traffic rules monitoring and much more.

In the past few years, the Government has took many initiatives to set up an online government actions, also known as e-Governance like form filling, transaction, and form submission and much more, but failed most of the times. Their venture turned out to be a failure. Expectations with the Ministry is high in terms of privacy and data protection.

There have been many cases registered stating selling and purchasing of a land without any valid registration. Lack of property information among people makes the situation even worse. The next big challenge to the Ministry is providing affordable homes for the mass with the digitized Home Titling.

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