Torrent to Light up DSIR Soon!

Torrent to Light up DSIR Soon!
Calendar 28 May, 2018 | avirahi

The Dholera real estate news mentions that the Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR) is all gearing up to be powered by Torrent Power Limited (TPL). The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) has decided to grant the company a power distribution licence to supply power in DSIR. Adani Group and Limited have also shown its interest to provide power in DSIR, which is a project about 100 kms away from Ahmedabad and is slowly taking the shape of a greenfield industrial city.

As per sources GERC has stated on the company’s appeal to set up, operate and maintain the electricity distribution system in Dholera SIR that the company (TPL) fulfills all the criteria necessary for acquiring the distribution licence in DSIR area. Thus, the commission is proposing to issue the licence to the company.

The state regulator has invited suggestions and objections from the public before it grants licence to TPL. After hearing the suggestions and objections the commission will take the final call on May 18.

After the issuance of the distribution licence, the TPL will have to make sure to create a system of transmission and distribution within the Dholera smart city. Sources say that Torrent will be able to supply power to the new commercial, industrial and residential units which are due in DSIR. On the other hand, the state-operated power companies will also go on supplying power to the already inhabited villages of this area.

This move of The TPL is considered to be a strategic one that can lead to the growth of the company in future. Bhiwandi in Maharashtra, Agra in Uttar Pradesh and Surat, Ahmedabad, Dahej and Gandhinagar SEZ in Gujarat are the ones to receive Torrent power distribution.

There are also several other companies excluding Torrent that wants to supply electricity to the DSIR area. Companies like MPSEZ Utilities Private Ltd, a unit of Adani group company, has approached GERC seeking the distribution licence. GERC has not yet approved their application as the regulator wants to seek certain documents from the company and has asked for the same.

According to sources in GERC, the Tata Power Limited has also shown its interest in the distribution of power in DSIR. The formal applications are yet to be completed to the state power regulator although. The Electricity Act 2003 has provisions which give the commission the power to grant distribution licences to two or more entities for the same area. So, if the licence is granted, there is nothing to be surprised of.

Why choose Avirahi?

Why choose Avirahi?

Avirahi has a great hand in making Dholera developed. Having an award winning project situated in between existing highway SH-6 and proposed expressway between Ahmedabad and Dholera and at the very entrance of Dholera SIR Town Planning scheme 1 and Water Treatment Plant(WTP), If you are in search of a plot at prime location for developing your commercial manufacturing unit then make sure to contact the company. The company has all its projects in full swing and thus assures you that you will get the dream space for your upcoming commercial project.

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